Our Love Story

Mitch and I met in September of 2006. {Wow thats a long time ago} I was dating his friend and we'd all hang out. I thought Mitch was super good looking but slightly cocky at the time. We got to know each other some and had fun chatting when we were all hanging out. Mitch started dating this girl and I have to say.... I didn't like her. Things in my relationship weren't going good {I knew it'd be a short thing} and I broke up with the guy. I didn't see Mitch any more.

I got busy at work and started training a new guy. We started hanging out and everything seemed to click. We met first of January and got engaged the end of February. But by the middle of March.... he called it off. It was hard. I left that job so I could work full time at the Garden Center.
One day I was at the mall shopping and I got a text from someone. It turned out to be Mitch. Somehow he had my phone number and saw me shopping and shot off a text. We bumped into each other and it was great to see him. {He didn't seem nearly as cocky anymore. lol}. I had a lot of fun that afternoon. We started texting each other regularly and hanging out now and then.

Come June {2007} I talked him into going to insitute with me. Half way through we decided to go get strawberry waffles at IHOP. It was a ball! I had such a great time hanging out with him!!! We did all sorts of things that summer. We went to the Manti pagent, we played at parks, he stopped by my work with drinks often, we went out to eat. A friendship was being built.

During the summer though I had started seeing someone again. It was a long distant thing - he lived in Cali. He was cool and we would take turns visiting each other. Mitch was dating a lot during that time as well. Mitch and I became really close friends. Later that fall I started nannying for the Harts in Saratoga Springs.

Just friends

There were many days that I would text Mitch or call him to hang out and he would be on his way over. One of my favorite things we'd do is drive down to Mavrick and grab a drink {We were both Dr. Pepper fans at the time} and pick up some Nerd Ropes :) We always had a ball! I knew I could always count on him!

Things weren't working out with the guy in Cali like I had hope. My missionary came home from his mission. I toyed with the idea of how things would work out there. I spent time with him and tried to get to know him again. It wasn't meant to be.

January came and Mitch approached me. He told me that he couldn't just be my best friend anymore. He wanted to be more. I finally realized I'd rather lose Cali, then lose Mitch. I broke things off with Cali. Mitch had become my best friend and I knew he'd always be there for me with out fail.

Mitch talked me into going snowboarding for my first time that month. I was terrified once we got there and were making our way up the ski lift. He began to worry what he'd gotten us into. I ended up loving it!! I'm very pleased to say that I spent more time up, then on my butt. It was such a great day! However I was incredibly sore the following day! BUT I was addicted and I ran out a few days later to by my own gear. {I love clearance}

Snow boarding

Valentines day came {2008} and Mitch spoiled me. He took me out to Goodwood {YUMMY} and afterwards took me to pick out bindings for my valentine gift. They are the best bindings too! Plus I got beautiful roses! We saw and a movie and when he dropped me back off in Saratoga, he kissed me and we decided that we'd be boyfriend and girlfriend. Best Valentines!

We went boarding quite a few times before Spring hit. We were both in school. We hung out as much as we could {we lived an hour away from each other} and had as much fun as we could pack in. Summer came. We went four wheeling, we went to Zions, we celebrated both our birthdays, we went wave running... the list goes on.

Four wheeling

Mitch's 22


Mitch's birthda

Zion's Trip

Marriage was brought up... mainly by me. It wasn't something that was in the near future. So we kept on dating happily. Summer turned into fall and school showed up again. Towards the end of the semester I started looking at classes for Spring. My school schedule wouldn't work with the Harts schedule anymore and I decided it was time to focus on my school. I found a place in Orem to rent that was close to school and 10x more closer to Mitch.

Zions trip

For Valentines {2009} and our 1 year dating anniversary Mitch suprised me with a puppy - Jake. Everyone poked fun that it was his way of keeping me with out proposing yet. It definitely took my mind of getting engaged for awhile. We were both going to school full time and working full time. Needless to say we enjoyed the time we had together. Mitch also ended up selling his four wheeler and such.... July 31st came and he finally proposed!! :) One of the best days ever! We had gone to the Oaker Temple open house :) It was lovely. After that we drove to see the Draper temple. We were talking about which temple we'd like to get married in. {We knew we were going to get married.... I was just waiting for him to propose} On the way home he asked me where the park was that we had played at before - the one with the fountains. He said his mom was asking about it. {yea... uh huh} So I gave him directions to the park {I believe it's Neilson grove, the one behind walmart in Orem}. Once we got there he asked if I'd like to go for a walk. As we started he realized he 'forgot' the keys or somethin' in the car. He quickly ran back and then we walked around the park. We finally made it over to the fountains... He asked me if I could have anything in the world what would I want.

Me: I want to go on a trip
Mitch: A trip? Why?
Me: Because I want to get engaged but that's not happening any time soon.
Mitch: Are you sure?
Me: Yes
Mitch: {as he pulls a box out of his pocket} Well.... will you marry me?!
Me: Are you serious??
Mitch: Yes, and its real
{I told him to just propose with a cracker box ring many times before lol}
Me: Really?!! {grinning ear to ear!}
Mitch: Is that a yes?
Me: YES!!

It was absolutely wonderful!! Its like 11pm and all I wanted to do was tell everyone!! His sister Ashley is the first one I told. I also told my whole family once I had gotten home {I was lucky they were up watching a movie}.

We set a date - October 30th, 2009. Those 3 months went by fast and incredibly slow at the same time!! Mitch was an absolute sweetheart while we were planning the wedding and towards the end he was a life saver keeping me calm! We were married in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple and it ended up snowing that day!! BUT it was perfect and I'm so grateful that I was able to marry my best friend for time and all eternity!!

Husband and wife

Happily ever after

Now we are busy living our happily ever after! Life is only getting better as each day passes!!

{its a true story!!}